Friday, April 22, 2011


I Couldn't let this week go by without expressing something of my feelings about this season.

I love the spring. It reminds me of something so important to me. This time of year the grass grows green again, the trees blossom and bud in anticipation of the leaves they will soon grow and the fruit they will produce. The flowers come out of their wintery graves as the hard ground begins to thaw out. It all reminds me though that the earth has come back to life after it's long winter.

Mostly it reminds me of the real reason we get to enjoy the beautiful world in which we live. The Lord created this earth for his children, for those who he loved. The Christian world is celebrating Christ's last days leading up to the Atonement, to the hours spent on the cross, suffering for each of God's children so that though we sin, through coming to Christ, we can return to the presence of our True Father in Heaven.

I am no different. I spend much time pondering, reflecting, and appreciating the ultimate Sacrifice of our Savior. Of his sacrifice, that I too might be forgiven of the sins that I commit. I also choose to celebrate with joy that our Savior, Jesus Christ, My Lord arose from the Tomb on the third day. He overcame death, he has given us all the opportunity to not only come back into God's presence but to become like he is.

I want to share with all the world, and shout it from the mountain tops that I know my Savior, Jesus Christ died for each of us. He suffered for our sins that we can be forgiven, if we choose to lay our sins at his feet and change. I know he suffered for more then our sins, he suffered for my trials, my sufferings, for my heartaches, and because of this he knows how to succor me, to bear my burdens when they are too heavy for me to bear any longer. He is my Savior. I am God's child. He is aware of me, he hears my prayers, and I can ask  for the things I want and need and when I do, he will pour blessings out upon me. Trust that there is a God, Trust that there is a Savior he loves you, He suffered all things for your sakes. He lived a perfect life. Come unto him with all your troubles, your sufferings, and your sorrows. He will bear your afflictions, lift your burdens, lighten the heavy load.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Good Morning Folks!!

Sorry I have had writers block, hence no writing! Not sure how many real followers I have so I don't feel too missed!! :) I spent some time pondering on a situation that had come up in my life and while reflecting it brought me back to a time in a life that changed me for life.

In college I worked for a great boss. Everyday he made sure to talk to everyone, tell them hello, see how they were doing. It was in these moments everyday that he came to realize my responses all came to be the same, I was okay, or doing alright, mostly according to my attitude about the days events. He after weeks, and maybe even months of this pointed something out to me. He said, and quite blatantly I might add, that I let too much get to me. That I need to choose to be happy. Choose to be fabulous. Since that time I have taken it to heart, when someone asks me how I am, I usually respond I am fabulous. I have to be. It is my choice. See what he taught me that day is this. How we are, how we handle life's situations are ultimately up to us. Our attitude can make or break a great learning opportunity.

I think this is the attitude I take in many situations I come upon in my life. It is hard being and older single adult in the community I live in. It is hard being overweight, knowing that most men will look at me and think I am cool, but will never date me because I am not thin enough. It is hard loosing your best friend and the man you thought you would spend your forever with. It is hard feeling lonely. But my point is, no matter what life throws at you, you can handle it with a good and positve attitude. Find something to do, keep busy. The more time you spend focusing on your problems the more negative you get. Put a smile on, realize God doesn't give you anything that you cannot handle, and then move on. To me it seems simple. Yes, you all know from reading my blog it takes time, but I am trying. I made knew plans, I am moving forward. sometimes it is baby steps sometimes it is big steps. But don't let what every problem you have currently in your life paralyze you from moving forward. You can do it, you can face it, be strong, and most importantly decide today how to face it!

Will you take it on with the courage of a lion?